Digital printables are a fun and creative way to earn extra income online. Etsy is an easy way to start selling these products and is a great choice for beginners looking to build their first passive income stream.
Top Etsy Printables To Sell On The Platform
The best part about digital printables is that you don’t have to worry about inventory expenses, time spent on shipping, or dealing with customer complaints. Instead, all you have to do is upload your product and watch the money roll in!
How To Find Digital Printables On Etsy
The easiest way to find digital printables on Etsy is to search for them on the site. Just type “printable” into the search bar and you’ll be flooded with options.
Seasonal and Evergreen Products
Most digital printables will be best-selling during certain seasons, such as Christmas planners, birthday banners, or Valentine’s day cards. However, don’t let that deter you from offering content that’s relevant year-round.
Educational Materials
Kids’ learning materials, school workbooks, and homeschooling worksheets are always popular. Taking time to create quality worksheets that help your customers learn something will pay off in the long run.
Personalized Items
If you’re a new Etsy seller, personalizing your printables is a great way to stand out from the crowd. One in five Americans have customized their products across industry categories, and customers are willing to pay a premium for personalized goods and services.
Event-focused Printables
Baby shower games, baby shower invitations, pregnancy journals, birth plans, and more are all in demand. Wedding invites, bridal shower invitations, guestbooks, and wedding signs are also big sellers in this niche.