Selling printable wall art on etsy is an easy way to earn passive income. Etsy charges $0.20 per listing, 5% of the sale, plus taxes depending on the country. The marketplace handles everything else, including payments and shipping profiles.
Digital wall art is a popular option for people who want to decorate their homes without spending a lot of money. The artwork can be downloaded, printed, and framed, making it the perfect solution for budget-conscious buyers.
There are several ways to create digital wall art for sale on etsy. Some platforms have pre-made templates that you can customize, while others offer custom design services for a small fee.
Some designers also offer digital files sourced from public domain artworks, which is a great way to make a few bucks on etsy. The artworks can be based on any subject, and they can be customized to suit the buyer’s needs.
Another option is to offer custom digital wall art designs that you have created yourself. You can use a graphic design tool to create the graphics and upload them to your shop.
You can also offer a variety of different sizes of the same design, as long as you label them clearly in your listing. You should also crop the images to show off the details of each design well.
If you are looking to sell printable wall art on etsy, be sure to optimize your shop for search engine optimization (SEO). Without SEO, it’s almost impossible to rank highly and attract the customers you need.