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If you are looking for a new side hustle to add to your income, selling digital prints on etsy might be just the thing for you. Not only is this type of art incredibly popular on Etsy, but it also doesn’t require the time or hassle associated with selling physical products like paintings.

Getting Started

There are a few things you will need to start selling digital prints on etsy. These include an account with Etsy, a computer with a high-speed internet connection, and a photo editing program such as Photoshop or Photoshop Elements.

Designing Your Digital Art

It’s best to spend some time thinking about what type of designs you want to create and how your digital product will look on the screen. Depending on the type of product you are creating, this may require some basic design skills, but there are plenty of free online resources for beginners that can help you get started with no cost at all.

Pricing Your Digital Prints

When selling digital prints, it is important to price them at a competitive rate. This will ensure that you make enough profit to cover your costs and keep your shop open.

Keeping Your Customers Happy

If you have an online store, it is important to offer a good customer service experience. This includes making sure that your products are of high quality and that your customers receive them promptly.

Another tip is to offer a money-back guarantee. This will help to build trust and confidence with your customers, which can lead to repeat business.