Politics news is one of the most dominant domains of journalism. It focuses on the issues that affect democracy and civic engagement. It also covers four key concepts: framing politics as a strategic game, interpretive versus straight news, conflict framing and media negativity.
Regardless of who wins the presidency, courtroom battles appear inevitable. Here’s a layperson’s look at the states and laws that could determine the outcome.
Civic journalism
During the 1990s, newspapers and broadcast journalists started to partner with civic organizations in deliberative processes. The projects, which were sometimes months long, aimed to help communities address critical community issues and problems. Many of these efforts were referred to as civic journalism or public journalism. The movement, however, generated a backlash among more traditionally minded editors and reporters. They feared that civic journalism would encourage local boosterism and undermine the independence of news organizations.
Despite the controversy, civic journalism continues to be a viable model for the future of local media. It can be a powerful tool for fostering trust in the news and increasing civic participation. It also provides an opportunity for citizens to collaborate with journalists and build a newsroom that is truly public.
Civic journalism is a decade-old, foundation-driven effort to encourage journalism organizations to alter their coverage routines and improve sources within layers of civic life. A recent study found that the use of civic journalism encouraged a deeper knowledge of communities, alternative framing of stories, and improved traditional source diversity.
A new study finds that civic engagement correlates with local news intake, news consumption habits, and positive attitudes toward local news media. The authors find that these effects are partially mediated by offline and online political discussion. They also find that civic participation is associated with a higher level of involvement in civil society and democratic processes.
Partisanship is a central aspect of political life. Politicians seek to gain votes for their party and to promote policies that will help them win elections. Consequently, there is a large amount of politics news in the media. Some of it is intended to inform the public of government activities, while other news focuses on political campaigns. These stories can be found in a variety of media outlets including print, broadcast, and online. While some people like to get their political news from partisan sources, others prefer nonpartisan sources. These nonpartisan sources provide information that may bolster civic participation and the democratic process.
Many studies have used behavioral tracking tools to assess how political information is accessed. These tools collect real-world data unobtrusively and can be combined with survey responses in experimental designs. They allow researchers to causally attribute changes in attitudes and beliefs to changes in news consumption. These tools are especially useful for assessing whether partisan selective exposure influences attitudes and beliefs.
To test this hypothesis, we gathered traces of participants’ online news use using a behavioral tracking tool. We then merged these with survey responses to measure their political knowledge and attitude. We classified news sites as congenial if they shared the respondents’ political inclination and crosscutting if they did not. We found robust null effects on both attitude and affective polarization for both conservative and liberal congenial and crosscutting exposure. These results challenge the popular narrative that partisan news exacerbates political polarization.
The goal of objectivity is to present a balanced, comprehensive view of social reality. It’s an ideal that isn’t always achievable. Even in a perfect world, there’s a risk that journalists will mistake their own peculiar perspectives for neutral descriptions of the social reality they’re reporting on. Moreover, they may project a false balance onto asymmetric political disputes. Objectivity’s self-appointed defenders may also misuse the concept to police their own behavior and beliefs. Those are just some of the reasons why the idea of journalistic objectivity needs to be rethought.
The concept of objective journalism began as a late-19th-century ideal with very different aims. In its earliest form, journalism was a megaphone for the king. Its reporters were expected to report edicts from on high, such as declarations of war, changes in navigation routes, or calls to prayer. Later, the telegraph created new pressures to prioritize the most important facts at the top of a story and produce a simpler style that could be adapted to local tastes.
Today, journalists are faced with a broader set of challenges than ever before. As the ad-based business model collapses, they’re scrambling to find new revenue streams and convert their core readers into paying subscribers. This effort often sacrifices the quality of their journalism, and many news outlets have reverted to partisanship and failed to hold powerful people accountable.
Conflict of interest
A conflict of interest is a situation where an individual’s personal interests or financial gain contradict with their duties as public representatives. It is a common occurrence and does not necessarily indicate a moral or ethical lapse. It is important that the competing interests are identified and the conflict resolved. Conflicts of interest can arise in any profession, and it is important to know how they should be dealt with in order to avoid potential problems.
There are many different types of conflicts of interest. Some are personal and others are professional. For example, a legislator’s conflict of interest may occur when they or their immediate family members have an interest in an enterprise that is impacted by proposed legislation. In such cases, the Legislator should disclose their interests to their colleagues and constituents. This will help to prevent the perception of impropriety and protect the integrity of legislative processes.
Conflicts of interest are common in the media, as well. Many journalists and ad/pr professionals have competing interests, and it is important to make them clear to their audience. A lack of disclosure can lead to a loss of trust and may even result in lower advertising rates.
For example, a journalist who works for a company that owns copyrighted material has an inherent conflict of interest in any discussion about government policy that affects those copyrights. Similarly, when a news organization receives government aid during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to be transparent about those relationships.