If you’re looking for a way to make some passive income, printable prints are an excellent option. They’re inexpensive to produce, easy to sell, and they don’t require much work on your part.
Whether you’re a designer or just a creative person, printables can be a great source of income for your Etsy shop. Learn how to create and sell them, and how to market your shop to make the most of this niche.
Printing options
If you’re selling printables on Etsy, there are many different printing options to choose from. Some of these options are professional-looking while others are less expensive. You can also find local print shops that will print your printables for you.
One of the most important aspects of making your printables look great is to have a good bleed. A bleed is extra space around the edges of your design that will allow for any changes in the printer’s output. Some printing companies require a bleed, while others don’t.
Another important factor is the file type you’re using. While PDFs and JPGs are the most common file types, other file types, such as GIF, PNG, or TXT, can also be used to create printables.
Creating your own printables can be tricky if you have no experience, but it’s not as difficult as it sounds. All you need is a little design knowledge and access to a program that can help you create your prints quickly and easily.
You can use programs like Canva or Illustrator to create digital products, including printables, that will print well. You can also purchase commercial use graphics packages from sites like Creative Fabrica, which can make it easy to add high-quality images to your printables.
When it comes to listing your printables on Etsy, Rachel recommends spending time to make them stand out from the rest of the competition. She said to use the first 3-5 words in your title to describe what customers will get when they purchase your printables and include all 10 image slots with beautiful images.
She also suggested adding short 15-second videos to your listings so that customers can understand how to use the printables they’re downloading. This will increase your chances of getting sales from the start.
Lastly, Rachel suggested researching your market to find printables that are popular and have a large demand. She also recommended experimenting with creating new seasonal products. This will allow you to have more items in your shop and give your customers something new to choose from each year.
Printable prints are a great way to build your business as they allow you to sell digital files that are always in demand. This also allows you to reduce overhead and create a passive income stream.
Before you start selling printables, it’s important to understand the pricing options available through Etsy. You can choose between a flat rate or a variable rate, depending on your product. This will determine how much profit you make.
You should also consider your shipping costs when calculating your price. If you’re shipping to multiple locations, you may need to calculate shipping fees separately. You can also consider using a courier to help with shipping and handling.
Once you’ve selected the best option for your product, you can upload a picture of it and fill out all the details. Once you’ve done this, your listing will be ready to be published on Etsy.
When you’re creating your listing, remember to add plenty of images. This will help you stand out from the crowd. You can include a primary image, different angles, close-ups, and a size comparison.
In addition, you can include a description of the print and include keywords that shoppers use when searching for products like yours on Etsy. These keywords will help you be discovered by shoppers who are looking for your printable.
You can also offer editable versions of your printables, which will allow customers to personalize them with their own details. This will help you increase your sales and give you a competitive edge over other sellers.
The most popular digital printables on Etsy are birthday party invitations, baby shower invitations, and bridal shower games and lists. You can also find many different types of wedding-related printables on the site, including invitations, guestbooks, and decorations.
Another popular item is business cards, which can be sold year-round. Logos are especially in demand, as many people are looking to start their own businesses or take on a side gig.
If you’re new to the world of printables, it’s a good idea to start with a few simple designs and try to grow your business from there. This will help you gain experience and get used to the process of creating printables, while also learning how to market them and promote your store.
Printable prints are a great way to sell your designs online. They offer convenience to both the artist and the customer, with the ability to create a variety of commercial sizes at a fraction of the cost of a physical print.
While it may seem like printing digital files is a difficult task, there are many tools and resources available to help make it simple. Using software such as Canva and Photoshop, you can create your own printables quickly and easily.
Once your product is ready, you can list it on Etsy and then begin selling them to the public. Be sure to include your keywords in your listings and descriptions, as this will help improve your search engine rankings.
In addition, you should consider offering multiple versions of the same design. For example, if you have a fitness planner, you can also sell a holiday version or a wedding prep version of it.
You should also think about offering different sizes of your printables, since this will increase your chances of reaching a wider audience. For instance, you can include a 5 x 7 size and also offer an 8 x 10 one.
This will make it easier for customers to find your products and purchase them without worrying about the shipping costs. It will also ensure that your customers receive their downloads as soon as possible.
Once you have your printables ready to sell, you can upload them to your shop and start listing them on Etsy. You can add images of your designs and write a description about them. You can even include tags, which will help your product rank higher in the search results.
Creating printables is relatively easy and can be a great way to make extra money in your spare time. However, it is important to understand the rules of Etsy before you get started. This will ensure that you don’t violate copyright law or risk being banned from the site, which can have a negative impact on your business.
You should also be prepared for some hiccups along the way. This is why you should provide customer support and take your customer’s needs seriously. This will go a long way to building a reputation for your shop and making your customers happy.
Customer service
Printables are a popular product on Etsy, especially with shoppers who want to do more with their digital devices. These products range from printable wall art to social media templates. They’re also a good option for those who want to sell their products as passive income.
As with any business, customer service is key to building a successful online store. It’s important to take the time to listen to your customers and answer their questions promptly. Providing excellent customer service can lead to repeat purchases and positive reviews, which will help you get more traffic and sales.
One way to improve your customer service is to offer more than one file format for your digital downloads. PDF is the most common format, but many of your buyers may prefer JPEG or PNG. Make sure that your files are accessible to them and that they can easily edit them using their preferred software.
Another way to improve your customer service is to create an easy-to-use, mobile-friendly website. This will ensure that your site is accessible on the go and helps you stand out from competitors.
It’s also a good idea to provide customer support via email and social media. This will allow you to stay connected with your fans and keep them up to date on new products and promotions.
Finally, it’s a good idea to have your print products available for download in multiple formats. Most people use a variety of different devices, so having a wide range of file types will help you reach more customers.
It’s important to remember that printables are a highly competitive market, so you’ll need to find ways to set your products apart from the rest. The best way to do this is by creating unique products that aren’t readily available on Etsy. This will increase your chance of success and make you the go-to source for your ideal client.