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Printables are files that can be digitally downloaded to print at home or through a professional third party that does printing services. These include stationery designs, stickers, journals, calendars, templates and more.

How to Sell Printables on Etsy

Before you start selling, it is important to determine your target audience and optimize every piece of content – refine your SEO by applying the right keywords to product descriptions, titles, tags, and alt texts. Also, market your Etsy shop on social media, especially Pinterest.

Finding Your Niche

Once you have an idea of the niche that your products fit into, you can create a few test listings to see how they perform. These may be free or low-cost items such as a test printable to help you refine your design and pricing.

Adding Plenty of Images

You need to add plenty of images of your printables, both for the description and the product page. This helps customers understand the product and find it more easily on the site.

The best way to do this is by including a high-resolution photo, multiple angles, closeups and size comparisons of the printable. It is also a good idea to have a picture of the actual file so your customer can see what the final product will look like.

Setting Your Product Price

The best way to set your price is to get an idea of what other people are charging for similar printables. Once you have an idea of what other sellers are charging for your printables, you can decide on a price that will allow you to make a profit.