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If you’ve ever purchased a digital art print from an Etsy artist, you might have wondered how to print it. Thankfully, it’s easier than you might think to create high quality prints from digital downloads.

Printing Your Digital Downloads

There are four main printing options for digital artwork: home color printers, professional printers, online print services, and local print shops like Kinkos or Office Depot. Each has pros and cons, so it’s important to choose the right option for you.

Prints from a home color printer are the cheapest, but they won’t be of the highest quality. This is especially true for photos.

If you want the best possible print, turn to a professional printer. Most art printing companies use pigment-based inks and good quality paper to ensure that the art they create is of the highest quality.

The costs of professional printing are typically higher than the home or office printers, but they’re worth it for the quality. The colors of a professional printer’s inks will be more vibrant than those of a home printer, and the inks are more durable.

It’s also a great way to support an emerging artist if you love their work. By printing their digital artwork, you’re helping them sell their work and give them the visibility they need to grow their business.