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Make Printables that Sell

If you want to start making a profit online, selling digital downloads on Etsy can be a great way to do it. They are easy to create, require minimal production, and can be sold at a lower price point than physical products.

Get Printable Ideas

First, do a quick search on Etsy to see what type of products people are purchasing. This can help you find inspiration for your own printables and what types of printables to offer in your shop.

Set Up Your Shop

Once you have your printables ready to sell, it’s time to set up a shop on Etsy. You can create an Etsy account for free or pay for a premium account, which comes with more features and listings.

The Etsy eRank Tool

One of the best ways to see what’s selling on Etsy is to use the eRank tool. This free tool will show you what the top-selling printables on Etsy are. This will give you some ideas of what to sell in your store and which printables to avoid.

Create Instructions for Your PDFs

Once your printable is published in your store, you should provide instructions for customers to download the files. This is a simple step, but will save you a lot of time and effort later on.

Keep File Sizes Small

The maximum size that Etsy allows for digital downloads is 20MB, so it’s important to compress your files to make them smaller before uploading. This will also ensure that your downloads aren’t lost in the system.