Digital downloads are a lucrative and low-maintenance way to generate passive income. If you have a background in art or design, you can sell your digital artwork or design templates to Etsy customers, who then print them and use them for their own projects.
Start with an idea for your printables, and then create a prototype using a free graphic design tool like Canva. Alternatively, you can hire an expert to help with the creation process.
Next, decide on the size of your prints. Many printers have different ratios for different file sizes, so you will need to adjust each image’s size to make sure it can be printed correctly. You can do this with an online photo editor like Canva or a desktop app like Photoshop.
Once your files are ready, you can upload them to your Etsy shop. You can also use a cloud storage option like Google Drive or Adobe Creative Cloud to keep them safe and secure.
Pricing Your Digital Downloads For Best Results
Before you list your digital downloads on Etsy, make sure they are priced appropriately for their quality and value. This is especially important if you’re offering a series of printables in different themes or niches.
A popular type of digital download on Etsy is coloring books, but you can also offer digital clip art, SVGs (cut files), and other designs. These are a great option for sellers who don’t want to invest in physical product photography.