Creating printables with Canva can be an excellent way to make passive income on Etsy. Canva offers a wide range of tools and resources to help you create beautiful, professional-looking designs that will attract more customers.
Canva has a large library of templates and graphic elements that you can use to create your own design. You can even customize an existing template to suit your unique needs!
One of the best parts about Canva is that it is completely free to use. This means that you can create your own printables with no cost at all.
The free version of Canva also has an extensive library of images that you can use in your printables. However, you should be aware of the terms of use before downloading any images from Canva’s free library.
You should also be aware that you cannot copy or use other people’s Canva designs in your own work without their consent. This is because Canva has a licensing agreement that requires you to not resell or distribute their templates.
In order to avoid any legal issues, you should be sure that your Canva designs are for personal use only. This means that you do not include copyrighted images or text in your designs.
If you want to sell your designs on Etsy, it is important to remember that you are required to comply with Etsy’s rules and policies for digital downloads. These rules are meant to protect the rights of Etsy’s users, as well as ensure that the site is a safe environment for buyers.