Printables are a huge seller on Etsy and a great way to build a passive income stream. They’re a win-win for buyers, who get useful material at an affordable price, and sellers, who can earn passive income from designs that take minutes to create.
The best selling printables on etsy are the ones that customers love to download, print, and use for their personal or business purposes. These include calendars, greeting cards, party invitations, and more.
These are the best-selling printables on etsy because they’re a great combination of value and convenience. They’re also easily customizable and can be edited using a design program such as Canva.
How to Start a Printables Business on Etsy
There are many different ways to start a printables business. Some people create a single product that they sell independently, while others develop a whole series of products that they market together. Regardless of which route you choose, it’s important to choose a niche that you enjoy working in.
Make a list of products that you think will sell well and start making them as soon as possible. This will allow you to avoid wasting time waiting for sales.
Once you’ve got your list of printables ready to go, create a product listing that will showcase your work. Rachel shared that it’s important to take the time to make your Etsy listings as attractive as possible.
This will help your product stand out from other similar items on Etsy and increase chances of being sold. For example, if you’re selling coloring pages, try to add some beautiful images of your work to the listing. It’s also a good idea to create a mock-up for your printables, so that you can see how they will look before you publish them.